DIWO Week 2024

When? 06.05.2024 – 11.05.2024
Where? Stadtknd Manufaktur, Kötzschenbroder Str. 9, 01139 Dresden

The Dresden-based association and artist collective METAKNOTEN invites you to the third edition of the DIWO WEEK. The DIWO WEEK is a workshop week that aims to connect the local scene and internationally active artists through input lectures, talks and workshops. Our aim is to provide a platform for artists, media makers, DIY enthusiasts and anyone with an interest in multimedia, digital and analogue art forms. Here they can live out their interests, learn new things, start projects and make the resulting ideas accessible. In "hands-on" workshops, experts in various fields present their work and share their knowledge with the participants. DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) practice takes centre stage as an emancipatory, free and collaborative development model and extended practice of DIY (Do-It-Yourself). We invite you to immerse yourself in the Stadtknd Manufaktur Dresden for a week, to be creative together, exchange ideas and learn from each other.


Due to limited places for workshops, please register via tickets@metaknoten.net.

Montag 06.05.

Dienstag 07.05.

Mittwoch 08.05.

Donnerstag 09.05.

Freitag 10.05.

Samstag 11.05.

20:00 - 00:00 Uhr:


